Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day - January 20, 2009

As I write this, our new President is being sworn in just an hour away from me in Washington, DC. I don’t have to tell you that this is a historic day.

While it’s an exciting day for our new President, I’m sure it’s a little overwhelming as well. The hundreds of thousands of people who are packing the mall are just a fraction of the Americans who are anxious to see what he does…not just today, of course, but in the days to come. President Obama has a lot on his plate—the economy, homeland security, the war, the unrest in the Middle East, and on and on and on.

During his campaign, then-Senator Obama did a great job establishing his mission—to be a conduit for change. He reiterated his message points—change and hope—at each whistle stop, promising to give us hope, and to make a change.

I’m a big fan of mission statements. As you know, I reiterate our own mission statement here at MidAtlantic frequently ( ). Each year, as we begin our strategic planning session, we ask ourselves if our mission is still relevant (and if it isn’t, we update it). When we make decisions throughout the year, we often look to our mission statement, and ask if our decision meets that test. It’s a helpful way to keep everyone on the same page, and focused on the promises that we’ve made to our members.

Farm Credit has stuck to its mission for more than 90 years, and it has helped us to create a strong resource for our stockholders. I hope that President Obama’s mission will serve our country equally well.


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